Mateo Hinojosa

Mateo Hinojosa (MA, mestizo Quechua Bolivian-American) is a filmmaker, storyteller, artist and educator. He has put art on screen and on stage in Turtle Island, Bolivia, Argentina, Spain and Cameroon. In South America he has worked teaching at orphanages and in the mountains, leading theater workshops in prisons, and filming everything from neurosurgeries to street art. He has taught high school literature in California, and cross-cultural documentary skills to U.S. college students in Asia. His films explore issues of individual identity in collective struggle; land justice and joy; spirituality and health; public space and art; politics and performance. His debut feature film, Spectacular Movements, follows young Indigenous actors in Bolivia as they struggle to embody their people's collective voice to revive the spirit of the recent revolution on stage and in the street. His production company, Woven Path, produces film and video as well as educational experiences. Mateo is TCC’s Media Director; he also works as Producer on the Native Seed Pod as well as with Te Ha and the Mino-Niibi Fund.

Contact: mateo at