Sna Jtz’bajom - Cultura de los Indios Mayas A.C.



assertion, Preservation, Development and Dissemination of the Mayan Tseltal-Tsotsil Culture in the Highlands of Chiapas

Region: Chiapas, Mexico, Abya Yala
Grants Awarded: 
2017, 2019
Visit Sna Jtz'Bajom on Facebook here

We support Sna Jtz’bajom in their teaching reading and writing of the Tsotsil and Tseltal languages to children, youth and indigenous adults of Chiapas in order to strengthen and encourage the use of their mother tongues and their cultural identity. They use speaking, theater, traditional knowledge, media, and training in an environment of Lekil Kuxlejal and Education for Life. The curriculum centers on cultural themes derived from Mayan worldview in order to promote greater care for Mother Earth, respect and protection of the environment, and the exercise of human and social rights.

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