Mino Niibi Fund - Past Grantees
The Cultural Conservancy is proud to have supported and partnered with these Mino-Niibi Fund grantees:
Project: Young Hunters Program
Communities: Inuit
Region: Arviat, Nunavut, Turtle Island
Grants Awarded: 2019
Country: Lago Titicaca, Bolivia
Communities: Aymara
Grants Awarded: 2014, 2015, 2017
Project: Mni Wizipan Wakan S'Kopa Nagi Nakijicin: Defending the Spirit of the Sacred Water Bundle of the Missouri River
Communities: Lakota, Nakota, Dakota
Region: Missouri River, Lake Andes, South Dakota, Turtle Island
Grants Awarded: 2019
Project: Building the Ancestral Home for Teaching Cultural and Spiritual Knowledge of the Embera People of Chigorodó
Region: Chigorodó, Antioquia, Colombia, Abya Yala
Communities: Embera, Ayabida y Chami
Grants Awarded: 2018, 2019
Country: Peru
Communitites: 14 Quechua Communities
Grant Awarded: 2014
Countries: El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico
Communities: Many indigenous communities throughout MesoAmerica
Grant Awarded: 2015
Region: British Columbia, Canada, Turtle Island
Communities: Syilx Okanagan
Grants Awarded: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019
Region: Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, Abya Yala
Communities: Maya Mam, Maya Kiché, Maya Tzutujil
Grants Awarded: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019
Project: Hoʻala Hou: Re-Indigenizing our Spaces
Region: Holualoa, Hawaiʻi, Moana
Communities: Kanaka Maoli
Grants Awarded: 2017, 2018, 2019
Project: The House of Weavers
Communities: Q’eqchi and Mopan Maya Communties of Southern Belize
Region: Southern Belize
Grants Awarded: 2018
Country: Guam
Communities: Chamorro
Grant Awarded: 2013
Community: Inuit
Region: Nunavut, Canada
Grants awarded: 2016, 2017, 2018
Project: Annual Gathering of Indigenous Nations
Region: Taray, Peru, Abya Yala
Communities: Quechua and Intertribal Nations from throughout Abya Yala
Grants Awarded: 2017, 2018, 2019
Region: Hawai‘i, Moana
Communities: Hawaiian and Pacific Islander
Grants Awarded: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019
Country: New Zealand
Communities: Maori and Native American communities
Grants Awarded: 2016 (co-funded with Sacred Fire Foundation), 2017
Project: Strengthening Our Languages On the Land – Phase 2
Communities: Anishinaabe of Elliot Lake Ontario
Region: Ontario, Canada, Turtle Island
Grants Awarded: 2018, 2019
Project: Bachelor’s Degree in Pedagogy of Mother Earth: Communication with Mother Earth
Communities: 12 indigenous communities throughout Colombia
Region: Antioquia, Colombia
Grants awarded: 2017, 2018, 2019
Country: Ecuador
Communities: Sarayaku Audiovisual Department in Collaboration with Awá Community of Guadualito and Afro-ecuadorian Community of La Chiquita in the Esmeraldas Province
Grants Awarded: 2016, 2017
Country: Gran Chaco, Paraguay
Communities: Ayoreo communities in three villages
Grants Awarded: 2013, 2014, 2015
Country: North, Central, and South America (from Alaska to Argentina)
Communities: Numerous Native American communities
Grant Awarded: 2015
Communities: Tzeltales Maya Communities
Region: Chiapas, Mexico
Grants Awarded: 2016, 2017, 2018
Project: Assertion, Preservation, Development and Dissemination of the Mayan Tseltal-Tsotsil Culture in the Highlands of Chiapas
Communities: Tseltales and Tsotsiles Mayan Communities
Region: Chiapas, Mexico, Abya Yala
Grants Awarded: 2017, 2019
Project: Teatro Trono - Warisata Mía
Communities: Aymara, Quechua & Afro-Bolivian
Region: Altiplano, Bolivia
Grant awarded: 2018, 2019
Country: Canada
Communities: Tŝilhqut’in/ Yunesit’in
Grant Awarded: 2016
Communities: Maya, Pueblo, Zapotec
Regions: Guatemala, New Mexico, Mexico
Grants Awarded: 2014, 2017, 2018
Project: Wabowden Culture Camp
Community: Métis
Region: Manitoba, Canada
Grant awarded: 2018
Country: New Zealand
Communities: Tainui Maori
Grants Awarded: 2015, 2016, 2017