

Strengthening the Kawsak Sacha Declaration

Region: Amazon - Ecuador
Grant Awarded: 
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The Kichwa People of Sarayaku, assuming their responsibility to contribute to real and global solutions that stem from their intrinsic connection with the Kawsak Sacha (Living Forest), have been building a platform of resistance, with the sole objective of communicating their manifesto to all societies locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Given the great declines in nature that are occurring on Planet Earth, theyconsider that it is time to establish strategies that ensure the conservation of the environment and the native peoples who constitute the true guardians of the living territories of the Amazon rainforest.

Sarayaku has long been the promoter of a unique and different proposal called “Kawsak Sacha” that has been disseminated in various settings, generating political and legal impact. The aim is to make it understood that the Kawsak Sacha is a living, conscious being, subject to legal rights.  In this context, they held the Kawsari 1 Meeting of Knowledge of Indigenous Peoples in Sarayaku territory, as a call to the peoples, nationalities, authorities, academics, leaders, allies, scientists and others who are involved in defending the rights of nature and humans.

Approximately 500 people participated in the event, including members of the Sarayaku People and visitors. The Kawsari event included the launch of the Autonomous Law of Prior Consultation & Consent. This law was created within their territory, based on their own cosmovision, to regulate, control and enable a variety of proposals that will be carried out in our collective territory, whether they are our own or third parties’. The full-length documentary Elena de Sarayaku by Selva Productions was also launched at the event. The film tells the story of the Kawsak Sacha and Sarayaku’s resistance at the national and international level.