Alliance for Felix Cove


Advocacy and restoration of Felix Cove Coast Miwok ancestral lands

Region: California
Grant Awarded: 
Visit the Alliance for Felix Cove on the Web here

The Alliance for Felix Cove is a newly created organization advocating for the protection and restoration of the last remaining 19th century Coast Miwok-built home at Point Reyes National Seashore and to honor the lives of the ancestral Felix Family—the last Coast Miwok family to live on the western shores of Tomales Bay at Laird’s Landing until 1956.

The Alliance Focuses on: 1) Telling the story of the Felix family; 2) Advocating for the renaming of Laird’s Landing to “Felix Cove”; 3) Holding events and gatherings at the cove to remember the ancestors and re-connect Coast Miwok people and Indigenous peoples to ancestral lands now held as public lands; 4) Building strategic alliances with Indigenous and non-Indigenous climate organizations and Indigenous community and TEK organizations; and 5) Leading the call for the creation of the Felix Family Historical District, living history center and Indigenous plant garden at Point Reyes National Seashore.