Julian Cho Society / Maya Leaders Alliance

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The House of Weavers

Grantee: Julian Cho Society / Maya Leaders Alliance
Country: Belize
Communities: Q’eqchi and Mopan Maya
Website: jcsbelize.org

Mino-Niibi Fund Grant awarded: $9,500 - 2018-2019

Li Rochoeb’ laj Kemonel, “House of Weavers,” will bring together 10 women from six villages: Otoxha, Santa Teresa, Santa Cruz, San Jose, Medina Bank and Laguna. This project takes advantage of the ongoing gathering of the women and provides them with targeted support to bring out the stories behind the cultural innovations of the Maya women. The women are already doing these artisanal activities and the aim is to improve design, tell their stories and start the process of organizing income generation from the sale of their products in a dignified manner. The project will work with 6o women (10 from each village) as follows:

  • Lix chuteb' laj pechol melb'e se Medina Bank (the stone slate carvers of Medina Bank) Lix chuteb' laj kemonel se otoxha (the traditional bag weavers of Otoxha)

  • Lix chuteb' laj tzulul kala' se Santa Cruz (the Jippi Jappa basket weavers of Santa Cruz)

  • Lix chuteb' laj tululu kala' se San Jose (the Jippi Jappa basket weavers of San Jose)

  • Roksinkil lix naq' che kaham (the seed artisan and beading)

  • Roksinkil qa nawom saqa suq' (returning our identity in our clothing)